IST Inesc


Name: Bruno Jesus Andrade
Email: bruno.jesus.andrade -at-


About Me

My name is Bruno Andrade and at the moment I'm finishing my master's degree in Information Systems and Computer Engineering - major in Enterprise Information Systems and minor in Networking, Applications and Services - at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST-TagusPark) , Portugal. 

I'm doing my master thesis in the Distributed Systems Group at INESC-ID,  under the supervision of Prof. Paulo Ferreira. My thesis is about dissemination of relevant data through a network of sensors by filtering and removing unnecessary information.

My interest in distributed systems began during my licentiate degree with the course of Distributed Systems (Sistemas Distribuídos). One year later during the master degree I had the chance to learn much more about the subject in the course of Middleware for Distributed Internet Applications (Plataformas para Aplicações distribuídas na Internet).

To finish my master degree I decided to increase my knowledge about distributed systems. Hence I am developing my master thesis on Distributed Systems Group

Scholar Background

2011 - Current - Master's degree, Computer Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico

2007 - 2011 - Licentiate degree, Computer Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico